Roadmap Update #1


Hello intrepid explorers!

To improve the transparency of our design and development process as promised in our manifesto, we are now publishing an overview of our roadmap every Sunday. Our roadmap updates will show you more of what we are doing. We will be showing you what we’re working on right now, and what sprints look like in the weeks, months, and quarters ahead. Since we follow an agile development process, all of this is subject to change. Sometimes we discover more complexity in the implementation of a feature, or iterate on existing ones, we need to go back to rework code or design. That being said, the roadmaps we release will be our best estimate at the time they are shared.

See our first roadmap release below, and be sure to go to the roadmap page to see the most up-to-date roadmap at any time.


In terms on community involvement, the next thing we will be looking at is a way for alpha testers and interested players to vote directly on the priority of features and improvements. This is how you will be able to decide what gets implemented, and when!

Until next time,
