

Triton Game Studio

Triton is an independent game studio founded in 2018. Our small team’s inspiration draws on a wide variety of works across film, fiction, and technology that present vivid and expressive realisations of the future. We love strategy-simulation games that bring dynamic, compelling worlds to life.

Our Mission:

Fearlessly pursue the creation of evolving, adaptive worlds.

Our technical background covers the fields of artificial intelligence, cybernetics, machine learning and complex system design. We believe that these skills facilitate the design of worlds and experiences capable of engaging players.

Our manifesto:

We will be devoted to realising our vision

We will rise to the challenge

We will deliver sophisticated simulations of reality

We will share our work every step of the way

We will deliver undeniable quality

With close ties to our community we encourage our players to work alongside us to benefit the development process and craft quality experiences. Together we can realise our shared creative vision.

Zenith Frontier


“Provide a rich and deep simulation of interstellar expansion in a hostile galaxy which represents the conflict between competition and cooperation experienced during all of humanity’s great endeavours.”

More presskit elements coming soon!